Source code for sphinxcontrib.default_values

#!/usr/bin/env python3
A Sphinx directive to specify that a module has extra requirements, and show how to install them.

:copyright: Copyright (c) 2020 by Dominic Davis-Foster <>
:license: MIT, see LICENSE for details.
# Based on
# Copyright (c) Alex Grönholm
# MIT Licensed

# stdlib
import inspect
import re
import string
import typing
from typing import Any, Dict

# 3rd party
from sphinx.application import Sphinx
from sphinx.util.inspect import signature as Signature

__author__: str = "Dominic Davis-Foster"
__copyright__: str = "2020 Dominic Davis-Foster"

__license__: str = "MIT"
__version__: str = "0.0.7"
__email__: str = ""

[docs]def process_docstring(app: Sphinx, what, name, obj, options, lines: typing.List[str]) -> None: """ Add default values to the docstring. :param app: :param what: :type what: :param name: :type name: :param obj: :type obj: :param options: :type options: :param lines: List of strings representing the current contents of the docstring. """ if isinstance(obj, property): return None if callable(obj): if inspect.isclass(obj): obj = getattr(obj, '__init__') obj = inspect.unwrap(obj) try: signature = Signature(obj) except ValueError: return None default_description_format: str = app.config.default_description_format # type: ignore for argname, param in signature.parameters.items(): if argname.endswith('_'): argname = f'{argname[:-1]}\\_' default_value = param.default formatted_annotation = None # Get the default value from the signature if default_value is not inspect._empty: # type: ignore if isinstance(default_value, bool): formatted_annotation = f":py:obj:`{default_value}`" elif default_value is None: formatted_annotation = f":py:obj:`None`" elif isinstance(default_value, str): formatted_annotation = f"``'{default_value.replace(' ', '␣')}'``" else: formatted_annotation = f"``{default_value!r}``" # Check if the user has overridden the default value in the docstring default_searchfor = [f':{field} {argname}:' for field in ('default', 'Default')] for i, line in enumerate(lines): for search_string in default_searchfor: if line.startswith(search_string): formatted_annotation = line.split(search_string)[-1].lstrip(" ") lines.remove(line) break # Check the user hasn't turned the default argument off no_default_searchfor = re.compile(fr"^:(No|no)[-_](default|Default) {argname}:") for i, line in enumerate(lines): if no_default_searchfor.match(line): formatted_annotation = None break # Add the default value searchfor = [f':{field} {argname}:' for field in ('param', 'parameter', 'arg', 'argument')] insert_index = None for i, line in enumerate(lines): if any(line.startswith(search_string) for search_string in searchfor): insert_index = i break if formatted_annotation is not None: if insert_index is not None: # Look ahead to find the index of the next unindented line, and insert before it. for idx, line in enumerate(lines[insert_index + 1:]): if not line.startswith(" "): # Ensure the previous line has a fullstop at the end. if lines[insert_index + idx][-1] not in ".,;:": lines[insert_index + idx] += '.' lines.insert( insert_index + 1 + idx, f" {default_description_format % formatted_annotation}." ) break # Remove all remaining :default *: lines for i, line in enumerate(lines): if re.match(r"^:(default|Default) ", line): lines.remove(line) # Remove all remaining :no-default *: lines for i, line in enumerate(lines): if re.match(r"^:(No|no)[-_](default|Default) ", line): lines.remove(line) return None
[docs]def process_default_format(app: Sphinx) -> None: """ Prepare the formatting of the default value. :param app: :type app: """ default_description_format: str = app.config.default_description_format # type: ignore # Check the substitution is in the string and is preceded by whitespace, or is at the beginning of the string if "%s" in default_description_format: if"[^\s]%s", default_description_format) and not default_description_format.startswith("%s"): default_description_format = default_description_format.replace("%s", " %s") else: # Add the substitution to the end. if default_description_format[-1] not in string.whitespace: default_description_format += " %s" else: default_description_format += "%s" app.config.default_description_format = default_description_format # type: ignore
[docs]def setup(app: Sphinx) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Setup Sphinx Extension. :param app: :return: """ # Custom formatting for the default value indication app.add_config_value('default_description_format', "Default %s", 'env') app.connect('builder-inited', process_default_format) app.connect('autodoc-process-docstring', process_docstring) return { "version": __version__, "parallel_read_safe": True, "parallel_write_safe": True, }